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Guice Offshore Notes NBC News Story on Virginia Dominion Energy Wind Power Project

Dominion Energy Wind Energy Farms NBC Kerry Sanders Climate Emergency

Dominion Energy, which started its offshore wind farm with just two wind turbines off the coast of Virginia, is on its way to installing 180 wind power structures, each as large as the Eiffel TowerNBC News‘ Kerry Sanders reports for the series “Climate Challenge–The Extremes.”

Guice Offshore (“GO”), which recently attended the IPF 2021 Wind Conference along with DominionEnergy, is experienced in offshore wind development, with our offshore vessels having performed a variety of functions across the various stages of wind energy projects, such as surveying, transportation of blades and turbines, installation, inspection, maintenance and crew transfer, to name a few. 

Indeed, Dominion Energy’s large-scale, pollution-free wind power plant in offshore Virginia could become a model for generating clean energy, with one revolution of a turbine creating enough energy to power a house of a full day.

In this video clip,  NBC reports on whether the United States’ existing infrastructure is ready to handle it  . . . and what’s at stake. 

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