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modern, dynamically
positioned offshore vessels
Serving industrial, government, research, traditional
energy and alternative energy markets
in North America and select international locations.

Guice Offshore LLC (“GO”)

Our Culture is customer driven with an emphatic “Can Do Safely” mentality; we address our clients’ needs via a technical approach, enhanced offshore supply vessel capabilities, and experienced crews. Our goal is to consistently deliver a safe, reliable, and cost-effective service.

Visit the GO Fleet

Guice Offshore is a maritime transportation company that owns and operates top-of-the-line offshore supply vessels.

About Guice Offshore

Guice Offshore (“GO”), an offshore supply vessel maritime transportation company, was founded in May 2009 and is widely considered to be the U.S. flag leader in the operation of dynamically positioned mini supply vessels and compact, cost effective multi-purpose vessels for the offshore marine vessel “specialty” marketplace.

GO regularly provides offshore supply vessel and maritime technical services to a broad spectrum of critical industries like aerospace, documentary and film; oil and gas; government and military; environmental and disaster response and recovery; inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR); science and research; salvage; geotechnical and surveys; and offshore wind and renewable energy.  Our culture is customer driven with a strong “Can Do Safely” mentality; we address our clients’ needs with a technical approach, enhanced vessel capabilities and experienced crews.  Our goal is to consistently deliver safe, reliable and cost-effective service.

Multi-Purpose Vessels

205 Ft. DP2 Multi-Purpose Vessel

The GO Adventurer is one of the most capable and cost-effective multi-purpose vessels on the market today. Receiving extensive upgrades and enhancements in early 2022, she can house up to 40 persons in her customized aft accommodations block. She also features 2 x Lounge/Offices for client use. Like sister hull GO Beyond, the GO Adventurer is ABS classed DPS-2, dually certified Subchapter L&I, and 205 ft long x 46 ft wide. Her many multi-purpose capabilities include a 15t deck winch and A-Frame, 5t knuckle boom crane, NATO grid deck sockets, removeable side bulwarks, 39’ transom opening and is capable of zero discharge operations. She is ideally suited for the government, research, subsea/diving and offshore wind sectors, to name but a few.

knuckle boom crane
150 Ft. DP1 Multi-Purpose Vessel

Our first Multi-Purpose Vessel, the GO America is strategically located in Port Everglades, FL and very accessible to the East Coast and Caribbean markets. Her specialty equipment includes a knuckle-boom crane, A-Frame, navy deck grid, moonpools and a davit. Her 18 person accommodations include a crew lounge; she is certified Subchapter L&I and can engage in limited international operations. Her long list of credits includes military and research projects, CCA reef deployments like the No Shoes Reefs, and roles in TV and Film including Cooper’s Treasure Season #2 and Shark Week. In 2014, the GO America was even featured on Good Morning America in recognition for the role of her crew in rescuing three men floating in the Gulf of America offshore Texas!

Take a Virtual Tour

GO America

Go Adventurer