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Guice Offshore Maritime Engineering Ingenuity In Action

Guice Offshore Maritime Engineering Ingenuity In Action

Delivering more value for our customers through engineering ingenuity is one of the ways Guice Offshore has earned our superior reputation in the offshore maritime business.

To help save clients time and money, our staff naval architects use their mastery to maximize vessel potential and minimize additional costs.

For example, GO Cosmos, the newest addition to our fleet, recently received an A-frame upgrade for a specific job with a quick turnaround thanks to our resourcefulness. 

While upgrading hydraulic cylinders on a vessel A-frame is typically not all that unusual, despite the fact that each cylinder weighs about 4,000 pounds, the job is normally done with multiple cranes–one to hold the A-frame in the upright position while the old cylinders are disconnected; then a second crane to remove the old cylinders and install the new ones. ‘

Recognizing that only the hydraulic cylinders needed to be upgraded as opposed to the entire A-frame, Guice Offshore’s maritime engineering team designed and built bigger, better cylinders to bring the GO Cosmos A-frame up to her full potential and ability to do the job at hand.

In this instance, there was only one shipyard crane available to work with, so a forklit was “flown in” (pictured) to lift and position the new hydraulic cylinders. Then, after the new cylinders were pinned in place and their hydraulic lines connected, a load test was performed to prove the newly upgraded A-frame’s capacity.

To ensure all Guice Offshore A-frames are handled properly and safely, at least one GO crew member is always trained on their use. Often, a dedicated GO crane operator is also on board to operate the vessel’s A-frame, crane, and any other piece of hydraulic equipment on board.


To charter a Guice Offshore vessel, contact David Scheyd at (985) 273-2769 or

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