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Merchant Mariners
National Maritime Day; Guice Offshore Supply Vessel GO Patriot Working at a Gulf of America Oil Platform.
Guice Offshore (“GO”) invites you to celebrate today’s 90th Anniversary of National Maritime Day! National Maritime Day is celebrated yearly on May 22. In honor of today’s occasion, U.S. Maritime Administrator Ann C. Phillips led a presentation for the official National Maritime Day Observance, entitled “Mariners Move the Nation: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.”  A national panel featuring key...
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United States Navy Memorial to Host In-Person Memorial Day Wreath Laying and Digital Livestream
Watch the Livestream with Guice Offshore today, May 31st at 12:00 p.m. (noon) ET, as the U.S. Navy hosts a Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony at the Lone Sailor statue on the Navy Memorial Plaza in the heart of Washington D.C. to remember the brave Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and Merchant Mariners who sacrificed their lives...
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