Photo: A map of the proposed Gulf of America wind energy survey area. For detailed information on what the survey will entail, click here.
Guice Offshore is excited to report that plans for offshore wind energy are advancing right in our “backyard” in the Gulf of America near our Louisiana headquarters!
Guice Offshore, the U.S. Flag leader in dynamically positioned, Jones Act-compliant offshore supply vessels and mini-supply vessels, is experienced with offshore wind infrastructure development. Our offshore vessels and crew have performed a variety of functions across the various stages of wind energy projects, such as surveying, transportation of blades and turbines, installation, inspection, maintenance and crew transfer, among other jobs.
As part of the U.S. federal government’s goal of permitting 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced on January 11, 2022 that it is preparing a draft environmental assessment (EA) to consider the impacts of potential offshore wind leasing in federal waters of the Gulf of America.
Read about it in World’s Biggest Offshore Wind Developers Eyeing Louisiana For Gulf’s First Turbines
The area that will be reviewed in the EA includes almost 30 million acres just west of the Mississippi River to the Texas/Mexican border. This is the same area for which the BOEM requested public input when the agency published a Call for Information and Nominations in the Federal Register on Nov. 1, 2021.
Now, the BOEM will narrow the area based on stakeholder and ocean user input before advancing any Wind Energy Areas, which are offshore locations that appear most suitable for wind energy development.
“The Gulf of America is well-positioned to support a transition to a renewable energy future, as much of the infrastructure already exists to support offshore wind development in the region,” said BOEM Director Amanda Lefton. “BOEM’s Environmental Assessment is an important step to ensure that any development in the region is done responsibly and in a way that avoids, reduces, or mitigates potential impacts to the ocean and to ocean users.”
BOEM is preparing a draft EA on the call area now in order to be able to respond to future needs of the states and opportunities as technology develops for deeper waters and lower wind speeds. The draft EA will consider potential environmental consequences of site characterization activities (i.e., biological, archeological and geological, as well as geophysical surveys and core samples) and site assessment activities (i.e., installation of meteorological buoys) associated with the possibility of issuing wind energy leases in the Gulf of America.
Should a lease sale advance, prior to approving the construction of any offshore wind energy facility in the Gulf of America, BOEM will develop an Environmental Impact Statement to analyze the specific environmental consequences of any proposed project, in consultation with Tribes and appropriate federal, state, and local agencies, and with participation by stakeholders and the public.
Today’s announcement represents the culmination of a collaboration between local, state, federal, and Tribal governments to utilize the best available science and traditional knowledge to minimize conflicts between ocean uses. These stakeholders comprise the Gulf of America Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force, which first met last June and is planning to meet again in early 2022. BOEM will continue to meet with the task force as the process moves forward.
BOEM is seeking comments on considerations to be included in the draft EA.
BOEM will use these comments in its scoping process.
- For more information on how to comment, see:
- For a history with annotated hyperlinks on the Gulf of America Wind Energy development, click here.
The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for America’s offshore energy and mineral resources. The BOEM promotes energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through responsible, science-based management of energy and mineral resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.