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GO Marine Services’ Billy Webb Listens to Clients, Contractors To Create the Best Maritime and Catering Crews

Maritime Staffing; GO Marine Services Recruiter Billy Webb

Maritime staffing, which converges many of the greatest human resources challenges imaginable, is one of the most demanding, most critical roles in the maritime industry. 

As testament to the focus and commitment that GO Marine Services applies to our work, our staffing professionals are some of the most experienced in every aspect of the maritime business, such as Senior Recruiter and Operations Specialist Billy Webb.

Webb, who has placed maritime personnel on missions in some of the world’s toughest working conditions, describes himself as a listener—someone with an ear for suggestions and an eye for both the big picture and the most subtle unspoken cues, especially when it comes to client satisfaction.

He’s worked with the oil and gas industry in staffing for offshore platforms and offshore catering, and for remote site camps in all types of locations, including Australia and Canada.

“One thing I’ve learned to value is being able to work directly with all decision makers involved so I can get their unfiltered feedback on how to make any needed adjustments to the job,” Webb said.  “Having the flexibility to make immediate changes for a client is one of the reasons I love working at GO Marine Services.”

Strategizing together with his colleagues on staffing, along with evaluating both client and resident satisfaction reports, Webb reviews feedback on everything to requests for special condiments and cleaning routines, to contractor personality strengths and challenges, using the information to make sure the right people are placed in the right jobs.

“Just because someone isn’t a good fit for one position doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be a great one elsewhere,” Webb says. “Someone may not have a perfect skill set, but if they have the right attitude, it often goes a long way toward getting the job done.”

To find just the right people for GO Marine Services clients, Webb leans on his many maritime industry friendships. 

“It’s important to treat everyone with respect,” he added.  “The way I see it, our contractors are the ones who allow me to have a job.”

On his days off, Webb, a graduate of Louisiana State University at Eunice and Comeaux High School in Lafayette, Louisiana, loves spending time with his daughter and “doing anything she wants me to do.”

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