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renewable energy
It's Demo Day for the Gulf Blue Navigator Class of 2024 Six Startup Companies!
It’s that time again when the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Gulf Blue Navigator program, with the support of its partners, the USM Research Foundation, NVision Solution’s Unmanned Coast and Jackson State University, will hear pitches from this year’s cohort of six blue technology startup companies on the second annual Gulf Blue Demo Day, scheduled...
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Managing the Guice Offshore Fleet Operations Requires Complex Logistics, Extreme Attention to Detail 
From aerospace, documentary and film; oil and gas; government and military; environmental and disaster response and recovery; inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR); science and research; salvage; geotechnical and surveys; to offshore wind and renewable energy, Guice Offshore (“GO”) has been a trusted partner not only nationwide, but in missions along the coasts and oceans of...
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