Guice Offshore (GO), widely considered to be the U.S. flag leader in operating dynamically positioned mini supply and medium-sized multi-purpose vessels in the specialty market, has doubled its fleet size and is hiring mariners across the spectrum of duty, from captains to engineers and ordinary seamen, the company announced in March 2023. The Lafayette, Louisiana-based...Read More
Fundamental to maritime safety and national security, indispensable to our national weather forecasting infrastructure and essential equipment for offshore energy operators in the oil and wind industries, ocean buoys are the silent, unsung cornerstones of our connection with the sea. To deploy and keep all types of buoys in top working order, and then ultimately...Read More
During late February 2023, Maine Governor Janet Mills’ Energy Office published the long-awaited Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap, a stakeholder-driven comprehensive plan that offers detailed strategies for Maine to realize economic, energy, and climate benefits from offshore wind in conjunction with the communities, fisheries and wildlife sharing the Gulf of Maine. Executive Summary Full Roadmap Technical...Read More
Video Above: The U.S. Department of Energy and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management hosted a webinar in Fall 2022 on their ambitious initiatives to position the U.S. to lead the world on floating offshore wind design, development, manufacturing, and deployment. Download the slides from this webinar. (Credit: U.S. Department of Energy) On Feb....Read More
Maritime navigation is about to become safer, easier and more efficient thanks to the new “Harmonized Waterways” project, part of massive joint effort by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Coast Guard (USGC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to synchronize identifiers (such as names and abbreviations) for rivers, bays and...Read More
Released Mon., Jan. 23, 2023, the highly anticipated “Supply Chain Road Map for Offshore Wind Energy in the United States” identifies key actions that could help to develop a fully domestic U.S. offshore wind energy supply chain. It also evaluates how the supply chain can evolve to support the national offshore wind target and position...Read More
Some offshore renewable energy regulations (mostly pertaining to offshore wind) dealing with workplace safety and environmental compliance will be transferred from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), the U.S. Department of Interior announced yesterday, Jan. 17, 2023. A joint notice to lessees outlines the transfer of...Read More
Get an advanced copy of the proposed new Rules HERE. It’s estimated that offshore wind developers will save approximately $1 billion over a 20-year period thanks to updated regulations for clean energy development on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) that were proposed this week on January 12, 2023. The first Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)...Read More
Guice Offshore co-founders Nathan and Billy Guice are among the mentors participating in the inaugural cohort for the new Gulf Blue “Navigators” business incubator designed to assist bluetech startups that already have a pilot program in place and are ready to scale. Bluetech industries include precision marine aquaculture, sea and space systems, ocean data and analytics,...Read More
The U.S. Coast Guard First District is wrapping up an extensive study on the approaches to Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Port Access Routes, but there’s still time for the public to contribute written comments for the Coast Guard to consider before the February 2, 2023 deadline. Before establishing or adjusting traffic separation schemes (TSS)...Read More
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